WoW Hero Armor Lowres

This is the whole character with head, armor and weapons in lowres. The body, including the head and helm, reaches approx 12k tris. The texture is 2x 1024x1024 color, specular and normal maps. The weapon and shield are 1k tris each. Both have 1 1024x1024 color, specular and normal map.

Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag

Grimald Lowres Turntable

The character Grimvald in his lowres shape, 12k tris, a 2048x2048 spec, color and normal map. Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag

WoW Hero Armor

A personal project, designed a wow inspired armor with nextgen graphics.

Grimvald Sculpted Turntable

The highres version of Grimvald

WoW Judgement Turntable

A quick sculpt, approx 12 hours total work, including basemesh.

DW V Mini - Character UV revamp

Made it all over and over and over and over and over again.

Approx 12 hours

Made a character with the Judgement set from WoW for a competition... only to find out when I was enough finished to send it in, I was 2 minutes too late. Haaaaaaaaaaaa. So, I'm gonna do a detail pass on him, skratches, damage, material textures etc. And give him a sword and pose.

From base mesh from Maya to sculpt in zbrush.

DW V Mini - Oh its on!

First thumbnails for Dominance War V pre-Challenge!