Project Diana, day 05

Those boots need alot of details, they look like blocks atm.

Inbetweener! Face study

Not quite done yet.. gonna go some more divisions and then add some hair!

Inbetweener! Face study


Project Diana, day 02

The helm almost done.. think I'll add some asymmetric details, like a lasersight, or a lamp, or.. something.

Project Diana, day 01

Blocking, blocking, blocking, checking design, blocking blocking blocking...


No weapon, just a head :o

Costume Design, Female

Just realized when I uploaded the image, that the hip design resembles Yrsas. (Hip
cloth, blade on her lower back etc. Gonna do something about that later.

Third Stage

Tried out some female silhouettes, I'm actually thinking of making a female instead
of a male character.

Second Stage

Gameartisan Mini Challenge - Sackman

1922 tris with a 512 diffuse, spec & normal map. gonna put on some real textures soon.

Gameartisan Mini Challenge - Sackman

Only the sword left!

First Stage

I'll combine nr 2 & 6. There is a chance that I'll add some more bulk too.


A witch from L4D.

"I hear a witch. Flashlights off!"

Improvised face 02

Another sculpt, approx 1 hour. Added some hair, bored of all baldies.

EDIT: changed shader

Improvised face 01

It started out as a plane study for heads, but it ended as a face. Less than
a hours work.