Dominance War V - God of Frustration - Drafts

When project Diana isn't in motion, Dominance War is!

Project Diana, day 19

7 hours work. Pweh. The lowpoly is almost done! She need some hands, weapons and a few extra details. After that, rigging!

Project Diana, Extra day 02

Bleeeh, have done alot this weekend. Shouldnt be working on weekends, but hell. Starting with retop tomorrow...

Project Diana, Extra day 01

Woop she has a gun. Finally. Gonna add some more details to the model, and then shes ready for retop!

Project Diana, day 15

I'm aiming to be finished with the highpoly to sunday... we'll see about that.

Project Diana, day 14

There have been some holdup, got some text to write... but finally I'm at the character again. Pretty much redesigned her boots totally. Redesigning her armplates too. Going for a more smooth design.

Project Diana, day 11

Done a couple of small things too.

Project Diana, day 10

Just had an hour today, so I added some details to the boots and re-sculpted the pants and boots.

Project Diana, day 9

Gonna add alot of details from now and onward. Just gonna find some good patterns...

Project Diana, day 8

There was no day 7, since I did my presentation. So... heres day 8. She has a face. Need some asymmetry detail? need some skin texture and wrinkles and stuff etc..